General Giant Humans

They Might Be Giants!

Giant humans may have literally once roamed the Earth. There have been numerous reports over the years of giant human skeletons being found in North America and elsewhere around the world. In addition, there’s a lot of controversy surrounding their origin and legitimacy. 7 Examples of Proof that Giants Existed 10 Forbidden and Creepy Claims…

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General Mask and Myths

Masks and Myths

Way back in February if I wore a mask or facial covering when going into my local bank, they would have thought that I was going to rob them.  In fact, up until recently most banks had a policy prohibiting customers from wearing anything obscuring their face including baseball hats and sunglasses while in the…

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The Class of COVID-19

Congratulations to the Class of COVID-19!!! Put on your facial coverings, hypoallergenic latex gloves and socially distance yourself from your fellow students, friends and family. And don’t touch your diploma for 2 to 3 days after receiving it in the mail to ensure it is corona virus free. So, your senior year hasn’t quite turned…

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